Monthly Archives: September 2016
Super Digital Citizen Hero
My name is Super Citizen.
My super power is sharing a photo.
It is ok to put a photo on the internet but you have tell an adult before putting it on the internet.
The bright and shining light shind. Glamersley in the dark and blank scy. At the funny, fun and exciting carnival. Where all kids play and have fun. They can also win tons of prizes.
9/11 Reflections
I was very upset when i rely got into learning the attack on 9/11. I was very confused when the plan hit the first twin tower in New York but when I saw that a secant plan hit I knew that we where being attack. Gust after i herd that a third plan hit into the pintogon in Washington I knew that terrorist where behind all of these. And then a little while latter a forth plan hit but these time did not hit a building. It plunged into a filed in Pennsylvanian saddle there was no survivors. About an hour latter one of the twin towers came down and a lot of deb-re flew everywhere after that the secant tower came down it was gust a tragic day on 9/11.
Life In 5th Grade
Life in 5th grade has Ben good so far I have Ben having fun.I also have Ben making good grades in all of my classes such as math. Reading,writing and science.In science with Mcbride i made all 100 in the past 4 weeks same thing in reading with ms. Lobue. Her class is fun and educational but don’t get me wrong i also like then other classrooms.But i really love her reading class. i also realy love mrs.brantleys to.